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Extortion, Conspiracy and Attempted Extortion Charges Pending Reports New York Probate Lawyer


Power is the demise of many people. Greed takes over and with the power given to the aid to Former Mayor Cory Booker was enough to cause him to now be in need of the services of a New York Probate Lawyer. When the aid started to help contractors get city contracts, he crossed the line of acceptability.

Another man, the owner of the company that Mayor Booker’s aid was trying to help was also indicted. The U.S. Attorney Paul Fisherman said that there was no evidence that the man in question was knowingly involved in the illegal activity. New York Probate Lawyers may be needed to help the men in question and activity like this is definitely what Booker defines as “a violation both of the public trust and of my trust”.

As a matter of fact, he faces charges of extortion, conspiracy, attempted extortion and accepting bribes. Steven Bilkis and Associates offer an initial, free, no-obligation consultation and they can be reached at 1-800-NY-NY-Law. These are serious charges and this suspect needs to seek help immediately.

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