
Uncertainty’ Is the Big Word in Finance Today, New York Estate Lawyer Reports

That old saying about death and taxes being the only sure things may not be as sure as they it used to be, thanks to impending changes in U.S. tax law, a New York Estate Lawyer reports. It is still unknown whether Congress will do anything to extend or change the Bush-era tax cuts. Experts tell New York Estate Lawyers this makes planning details for business or finance quite a bit more difficult.

Since businesses do not know how much money will be available, they are afraid to hire. Investors in mom-and-pop organizations don’t know whether or not to sell their stocks before their taxes rise or to hold on to what they have. Estate planning has also become a thorny problem, since the estate tax may or may not return and even the level of taxation should it come back is unsure, New York Estate Lawyers say.

“’Uncertainty is the word of the month,” the CEO of a financial advisory firm which counsels small businesses told a New York Estate Lawyer. “How can you possibly make a decision when the future outside of your control is so cloudy.” The in-and-outs of financial law is tricky enough even without all the changes that new legislation can bring. It can take a great deal of time, effort, and skill just to keep abreast of the changes, let alone how to make them work so businesses can prosper and investors can make informed decisions.

These are the times that make New York Estate Attorneys so important. Your financial well-being is the well-being of your family. A New York Estate Attorney knows that and will make your family’s well-being a top priority.

The law offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates has caring New York Probate Lawyers that can help you plan your estate. Our New York Probate Lawyers can help you probate an estate, write a will or set up a trust. We have convenient offices in New York City, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Suffolk and Nassau County. We want to help you through what may be a difficult time with as little problems as possible and offer a free consultation at 1-800-NYNY-LAW (1-800-696-9529). Call us today to take advantage of this free consultation and speak to a New York Probate Lawyer from our firm.

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