
Defendant Files Motion for Appeal

The petitioner for this particular case is Carlton Estates, Inc. The respondents of the case are Humberto Cruz, et al. The case is being heard in the Second Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division. The judges that are hearing the case are Sheri S. Roman, JJ, Plummer E. Lott, L. Priscilla Hall, and Peter B. Skelos, J.P.


A New York Probate Lawyer said Uumberto and Lise Cruz have created a motion for appeal for a case that was originally heard in the Kings County Civil Court in January of 2010. The case was appealed on the 12th of May in 2011 in the Judicial districts, two, eleven, and thirteen. The respondents, Humberto Cruz and Lise Cruz are appealing both of these decisions.


The court has read the papers that have been filed to support the motion for appeal. The court has also read all of the papers supplied by the petitioner in the case to oppose the motion for appeal. After thoroughly investigating the case and the previous rulings, we find that the there has not been enough evidence supplied in order to support a cause for the motion to be granted.

The overall ruling of the court is hereby in favor of the petitioner. We will deny the motion for appeal based on the evidence that has been provided to the court from both sides of the case. There is not significant enough evidence to show reason to overturn the judgments that were made by both the Civil Court in the City of New York, in Kings County and backed by the Appellate terms of the judicial districts, two, eleven, and thirteen.

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